Selibat dalam Paham Keagamaan Gereja Katolik


Makalah ini mengkaji tentang Selibat perspektif gereja Katolik. Selibat bermakna hidup tidak menikah. Jelasnya, Selibat hidup tidak menikah dengan alasan iman dan mengabdikan diri sepenuhnya kepada Yesus. Dasar hukum Selibat hanya terdapat dalam Perjanjian Baru, Matius l9: l2 dan surat Pertama Korintus 7: 32-35. Kemudian ajaran ini dipertegas kembali dalamĀ  dekrit Pertama Kanon 33 Sinode Elvira di Spanyol. Di seluruh Gereja Katolik, di Timur maupun di Barat, Gereja Ortodoks Timur dan Gereja Ortodoks Oriental, seorang imam tidak boleh menikah, tetapi Paus I Petrus melakukan pernikahan. This paper examined on celibacy of the Catholic Church perspective. Celibacy meant life was not married. Clearly, celibate was life not married by reason of faith and devoted self thoroughly to Jesus. The legal basis of celibacy was only found in the New Testament, Matthew l9: l2 and letters First Corinthians 7: 32-35. Then this doctrine was reinforced in the First decree Canon 33 of the Synod Elvira in Spain. On the whole Catholic Church, East and West, Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Church, a priest should not marry, but the Pope I Peter did marriages.