Evaluasi Program Praktek Pengamalan Ibadah Di Sekolah Dasar Ar-Raudah Bandar Lampung


Evaluation of Worship Practice Practice program aims to provide an assessment of the implementation and achievement of program objectives. The Stufflebeam CIPP model is used in research to evaluate aspects of the context (objectives, guidance, and implementation), input aspects (materials, teachers, and students), aspects of the process (technical implementation of the program), and product or output (outcome). Analysis of research data using descriptive qualitative approach. The data collection tool uses observations to assess teacher behavior by students, self-assessment questionnaires by students, and questionnaires of student behavioral assessments by parents. The object of research is 3 teachers, 55 students, and 55 parents of students. The evaluation results show that for the context and input aspect in the good category. Evaluation of good category processes, related to implementation time and implementation measures of PPI activities are in accordance with established guidelines. Evaluation of the products in the category enough, meaning that individually the students can be said quite well in religious behavior. While the assessment of the indicator of religious behavior shows in the good category.