
<p>Differences of Islamic economic system and capitalist economic <br />system are not only its application but also philosophy. <br />Above this different philosophy is structured target, different <br />principles and norm. This matter because confidence of <br />someone influence the way of approach in forming personality, <br />behavioral, life style, and human being appetite. In broader <br />context, confidence also influence attitude to others, resource, <br />and environment. In capitalist system, God is retired. This <br />Matter is reflected in concept “faire laissez” and “invisible <br />hand”. Through this philosophy, we can consider the target <br />of capitalist economics only merely its growth for individual <br />satisfaction. Islamic economic philosophy in general can be <br />seen from al-Muthaffifin (1- 6). Allah said: 1) Woe to those <br />who cheat. 2) (Namely) those who, when receiving the dose <br />of other people they ask  fulfilled. 3) And when they measure <br />or weigh for others, they reduce. 4) It is not the people think <br />that they will be resurrected Indeed. 5) On a great day. 6) <br />(ie) the day (when) people are standing facing the Lord of the <br />Worlds. But in its development has occurred mixing of two <br />different systems. Islamic Economics is clearly  differently <br />from capitalist economy actually mixed the mortar in order to <br />gain the maximum profit.</p><p><br />Keywords: Capitalism, Islamic Economic</p>