
In social life is often occur a dispute relating to the rights and obligations of various reasons. In general, the dispute can usually be resolved through mediation. Mediation can be applied outside the court (litigation) or in court (litigation), as in inheritance disputes for Muslims. Inheritance disputes, including one of the absolute authority of the Religious Court, with the object of dispute in the form of property. Inheritance disputes submitted to the Religious Court and resolved through mediation one of which was verdict No. 181 / Pdt. G / 2013 / PA.Yk which is decided by the Religious Court of Yogyakarta. This paper describes the mediation process and a review of Islamic law on mediation in the heritage dispute settlement process against the verdict. Heritage disputes in the verdict occurred because some of the heirs sold the estate and there are other heirs who have not got the part. [Dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat sering kali terjadi persengketaan yang berkaitan dengan hak dan kewajiban dengan berbagai alasan. Pada umumnya sengketa dapat diselesaikan melalui mediasi. Mediasi dapat diterapkan di luar pengadilan (nonlitigasi) ataupun di pengadilan (litigasi), seperti dalam sengketa kewarisan bagi orang Islam. Sengketa kewarisan termasuk salah satu kewenangan absolut Pengadilan Agama dengan objek sengketa berupa harta benda. Sengketa waris yang diajukan ke Pengadilan Agama dan diselesaikan melalui mediasi salah satunya adalah Putusan No. 181/Pdt. G/2013/PA.Yk yang diputus oleh Pengadilan Agama Yogyakarta. Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan proses mediasi serta tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap proses mediasi dalam penyelesaian sengketa waris terhadap putusan tersebut. Sengketa waris dalam putusan tersebut terjadi karena sebagian ahli waris telah menjual harta warisan dan masih ada ahli waris lain yang belum mendapat bagian.]