
"> This article aims to explain the implementation of religious education at the University of Pattimura Ambon. There are include: the curriculum, the learning process, facility /facilities, learning resources and evaluation. The study was conducted  using a qualitative approach. Source of data derived from the leaders of the university, leacturers of religious education, leaders of student organizations, and students. There were using interview as the way those data collected. Data and information was also obtained through observation and document study. The research results show that position of religious education subject at the University of Pattimura still being under the General Basic Course, neither under the Public Mandatory Subject nor under the Personality Development Subject. The curriculum was derived from modules developed by lecturers with reference to a national standard book. The religious education means and infrastructures were still very lessen. Even, the leacturers of religious education didn’t have an office or room for working on campus. They were only present to teach and then go home after performing the lesson. The lecturers of Islamic religious education got supporting from the Campus Missionary Agencies (kind of Islamic students organisation within campus), both in the lecture as well as in other religious activities.tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan penyelenggaraan pendidikan agama di universitas Pattimura Ambon, yang meliputi: kurikulum, proses pembelajaran, sarana/fasilitas pembelajaran, sumber belajar dan evaluasi belajar. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. sumber data diperoleh dari pimpinan perguruan tinggi, dosen pendidikan agama, pimpinan organisasi mahasiswa, dan mahasiswa, dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara. Data dan informasi juga diperoleh melalui observasi dan studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa posisi pembelajaran pendidikan agama di universitas Pattimura masih menjadi bagian dari kelompok matakuliah Dasar umum, bukan Pengembangan Kepribadian atau wajib umum. Kurikulum berasal dari modul yang dikembangkan oleh para dosen dengan merujuk pada buku standar. sarana prasarana pembelajaran pendidikan agama masih sangat minim. Para dosen pendidikan agama tidak memiliki ruangan untuk kantor dan bekerja di kampus. mereka hanya hadir untuk mengajar lalu pulang. Dosen pendidikan agama Islam banyak mendapat bantuan dari lembaga dakwah kampus, baik dalam proses perkuliahan maupun dalam aktivitaskeagamaan lainnya.