POLA PENDIDIKAN ISLAM MASA RASULULLAH SAW (Kajian Historis Pola Pendidikan Islam Masa Rasulullah Fase Mekkah dan Madinah Serta Konstribusinya Pada Pendidikan Islam Masa Kini)


This study with regard to all efforts and attempts the Prophet in Islamic Education Development.By him, the author presumably trying to construct as many past events that occurred. However, it can be realized certainly the events of the past will not be constructed entirely possible, perhaps only a small part with so much hope would see the light of Islamic education pattern period of the Prophet Muhammad. In this study, the authors used a combination of historical and descriptive approach. The results of this research are descriptive pattern of Islamic education time of the Prophet Muhammad include: (1) The character of the concept of strategy, (2) Method, (3) Curriculum, (4) Materials and (5) Educational institutions at the beginning of the era. With the hope of future patterns of Islamic education as a solution transpormatif Prophet Islamic education Present in the face by a variety of problematics and different perspectives, understanding and implementation of Islamic teachings.