
Abstrak: Problema sosial keagamaan dapat muncul dalam masyarakat manapun tanpa mempertimbangkan ruang dan waktu. Aliran sesat yang berkembang di Aceh merupakan bagian dari problematika itu, karena telah mengusik keharmonisan sosial masyarakanya. Dalam situasi seperti ini, ulama – khususnya yang bernaung di bawah Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Darussa’adah – dituntut mampu merespons berbagai persoalan yang dihadapi umat secara arif. Namun secara realitas mereka belum mampu memberikan respons solutif terhadap persoalan keummatan semisal aliran sesat sehingga ketenangan masyarakat semakin terganggu. Karena itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menemukan bentuk respons ulama Dayah Darussa’adah dalam menyikapi aliran sesat dan benih-benih perpecahan dalam masyarakat Aceh. Hasil penelusuran menunjukkan bahwa Respon yang diberikan ulama Dayah Darussa’adah baru berbentuk lisaniyah, yaitu berupa penyampaian informasi secara oral melalui pengajian dan ceramah agama. Respons berbentuk lisaniyah ini dipandang kurang efektif sehingga pengarunya sangat kecil dalam upaya menjawab berbagai problema sosial keagamaan dalam masyarakat. Kata Kunci : Respons Ulama; problema sosial keagamaan Abstract: Social religious problems can appear in any society with no condition of place and time. One of the problems is pervert sect of religion and this condition has disturbing social harmony. In this situation, Ulamas especially who associated under Darussa’adah Islamic Education Foundation is requiring to respond to the various and complicated problems face by the community wisely. However, realistically they are still unable to provide a comprehensive solution to such this problem so that the social harmony is alarming. This study is aiming to figure out the appropriate respond of Ulama Dayah Darussa’adah in dealing with pervert sect and frictions seeds in Acehnese people. The result of the research found that the responds of the Ulama Darussa’adah is still in verbal way. They are informing the community verbally through worship and preaching. This kind of respond is considering less effective because not answering various social religious problem in community adequately. Key Words : The Respons of Ulama; Religious Sosial Problems.