
Many people think that in order to achieve high academic achievement, the Intellectual Intelligence (IQ) is also have to be high. However, according to the latest research results in the field of psychology to prove that IQ is not the only factor affecting people’s achievement, but there are many other factors that affect, one of them is Emotional Intelligence (EI). EI is the ability to recognize emotions, manage emotions, motivate oneself, show empathy and the ability to build relationships with others. Academic achievement is the result of learning based on the measurement and assessment of learning outcomes that is normally in the form of score written in the rapport. When students have high EI, it will increase their academic achievement. Thus, students should have good EI to achieve a better achievement in school and prepare them for the real world. Emotional intelligence plays a great role in student success at school and in their environment. Therefore, it is recommended to the school especially the teachers to incorporate elements of emotional intelligence in presenting material and engaging students in the classroom.