
The utilization of flash cards is one of the teaching methods in early literacy learning within Bahasa Indonesia subject. These are simply cards that display the written word. Flash cards can be bright and colorful and make a real impact on visual learners. Among many methods, it was considered one of the best fit for children at reading age. This article aims to determine the extent of the use of flash card as a medium of learning in improving the reading skills of students of class I MIN Rukoh Banda Aceh for the academic year of 2012/2013. This study is a Classroom Action Research (CAR), which is the research conducted in a classroom using specific learning media, which in this regard is the flash cards. Data for this study is gathered through test results, observation during the learning process, and interview with teacher and several selected students. Data were analyzed using descriptive-comparative technique, in which each test results of the students’ reading abilities were compared to each other. Further, the results is described in an assessment data in the form of grades. The findings shows that teaching process using flash cards as a medium of learning are able improve early reading skills of students of MIN Rukoh Banda Aceh, especially those who are in class I, for the academic year 2012/2013. Keywords: Flash cards; Classroom action research; Literacy learning