
There are a lot of criticism on the implementation of the learning outcome evaluation system in schools at the moment. The criticism is directed primarily to the substance and ambiguity between the idealism targeted in the perspective learning essence. This article tries to present an evaluation model to answer the criticisms. The writer tries to introduce portfolio assessment in detail. It is a collection of documents or options providing information of assessment. It contains the work of the students during a given time providing information on objective assessment which present of what can be done by the students in their learning experiences. The results are intended to be a measure of how well the task given to students in accordance with the curriculum learning objectives. Portfolio assessment is based on a collection or set of work set by the teacher to the students according to the learning objectives. Through portfolio assessment students can demonstrate differences ability to complete the tasks given by the teacher from time to time and or in comparison with other students' work. In portfolio assessment students are given more opportunities to assess themselves from time to time. There are three important elements in the portfolio assessment, namely: (1) storing, (2) sorting, and (3) dating of a task.