Kolonialisasi Inggris dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Masyarakat Tradisional Afrika dalam Novel Things Fall Apart Karya Chinua Achebe
This paper discusses England colonization and its impacts on African tribal culture in African Anglophone novel Things Fall Apart written by Chinua Achebe. The approach used in this research is post-colonial approach by using post-colonial theory to analyze phenomena as well as implication of the colonizer and the colonized relationship. The result of this research indicates that the coming of England colonialists in African Ibo tribe community with their colonization and cultural imperialism is implemented with varied strategies. Those strategies are proven effectively in strengthening England's colonial hegemony in Africa. The England colonialists' imperialism results in horizontal conflict and cultural-social disintegration in African native society; between the pro-colonial and the anti-colonial. Anti-colonial resistence is shown by most African native society to fight against colonial government arrogance and to resist England imperialism in Africa.