Pembelajaran Kontekstual dalam Membangkitkan Kepemimpinan Transformatif


THE CONTEXTUAL TEACHING IN RAISE TRAN-SFORMATIVE LEADERS. The aim of this writing article is to discuss about the role in mathematics teaching contextual in raising transformative leadership and creativity thinking students. This was done because some students are still regarded as mathematical knowledge thatonly focused on ability to think logically and the settlement was a single and be sure. They also viewed that mathematics is aboring, frightening, and most difficult than other subjects. Mathematics material is lack in able to apply in daily life. In fact, every levels of education, mathematics lessons is learned and become one of the indicator in taking levels of education students’ success. These problems arise because mathematics can only be considered as a tool and symbols, not as a basis for the thinking leadership who eventually can affect a person’s perspective in solving problems of life. Through the action research class (PTK), by taking sample random in grade IXat MTs N IIKudus 32 students, in conclude that learning mathematics contextual really help teachers in tie between learning materials to the real world situation, and encourage the students more active to thinking creatively in solving various problems. Johnson (2006) which said that contextual learning system is a procedure education that could help the students in seeing the meaning in every teaching materials with how to be joined with their daily lives context.