Konsep Pemikiran Harun ar-Rasyid dalam Pendidikan Karakter


CHARACTER BUILDING IN HARUN AR-RASYID THOUGH. Ampant cases of violence in society, political instability, as well as the moral degradation of the nation as a whole raises awareness of the importance of good character development at the level of the family as an institution forming the smallest nation to the character development of the nation at large. In addition to the family, the environment and education institutions also have a role no less important in the formation of national character, it’s because the institution is spearheading the development of the nation in the realm of formal education. Education as a process that helps mature, directing and developing the potential in man is regarded as an appropriate means in the formation of one’s character. One of the concepts of character education is found in the will written by Harun ar-Rashid to al-Ahmar the teacher who is appointed by the Caliph to educate the crown prince, later known as al-Amin. In this testament, there are several character education concepts, including role models of teachers, obedience, respect for family, teaching the Qur’an and Sunnah as well as many others. The concept of character education promoted by Harun ar-Rashid was not different from the concept of character education offered by modern education experts, this proves that the concept of character education contained in the will of Harun al -Rashid is universal without any limitation of space and time.