“KESARJANAAN REVISIONIS” DALAM STUDI Al-QUR’AN (Upaya Merekonstruksi Sumber Awal Kemunculan Teks al-Qur’an)


The challenge on the Qur’anic studies will never be end. For many centuries, The Qur’an always attracted many people attention all over the world, to treat or to examine the truth; whether the Qur’an as the word of God or the word of Muhammad ?. This is therefore, starting from that point, This paper particularly will attempt to explores a new trend of Qur’anic studies by the emerging of Revisionist Western scholarship theories of Islamic origins. In their analysis shown that the documentary sources or the beginnings of historical writing in the Islamic tradition must be considered in controversies. One might argues that the Qur’an contains several different kinds of material, hypothesizes that different parts of the Qur’an originated in different communities, some or all of which, were located not in Arabia, but in Iraq or Syria. Moreover, the analysis come to the conclusion  that the Qur’anic text as we now know coalesced only slowly and does not assume final form until the late second/eighth century or even later. Taking the notion that the traditions about Islamic origins are the products of long and partly oral evolution. The aim of this paper then will describe the fact on how the revisionist western scholarship try to reconfigurate the reliable information about Islamic origin.