PERIODESASI PERKEMBANGAN STUDI HADITS (Dari Tradisi Lisan/Tulisan Hingga berbasis Digital)


The history of the study of hadith from time to time experiencing a very significant development, beginning the study of hadith from oral to oral evolved into writing changes by others as a form of concern about the loss of traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, the development of tradition reached its peak when entering the period of the Successors exactly rule caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz, where the tradition at this time officially codified in order to cope with the spread of false traditions pioneered by the heretics. Furthermore, after the tradition codified development be very rapid, with the birth of the canonical books of hadith to appear the terms scholarly tradition oriented as selectors hadith (criticism sanad hadith) and there are also books Sharh hadith as explanatory traditions of the Prophet Muhammad , Until the next period the study of hadith switch does not just dwell on criticism sanad but has entered the criticism of honor. In fact, along with the times that has entered the digital age, tradition began in containers therein to present assessment traditions more easily.