
Women condition seems far from the ideal in Indonesia, but they have relatively no terrible experiences such as extreme circumsition, “purdah”, seclusion, inequality, injustice of inheritance and marriage-divorce cases, felt by some of their Muslim women abroad. The factors contributed to the mischief include the truth claim on religious dogma among the misinformation Muslims experts and those who plan the anti Islam propaganda. In contrast, Indonesian women are proud in that the Islamic values and Indonesian culture do not oppose women role, opportunity and progress. As the result, Indonesia has rich history of women leaders and heros, among others, Laksamana Malahayati, Panglima Armada Aceh, Cut Nyak Dien, Cut Meutia, Nyi Ageng Serang, Raden Ajeng Kartini, and Rasuna Said. Nowadays, Indonesia has various women field and occupation, such as the government, ministry, parliament members, army forces, teacher, professor and academic position. Until recently, it includes feminist group that became one of interesting topics in Indonesian public.