HADIS “MAN BADDALA DÎNAHÛ FAQTULÛHU” : Telaah Semiotika Komunikasi Hadis


This article attempts to understand the hadith Man baddala dînahû faqtulûhu, with the communication semiotics of hadith adopted from the theory of communication semiotics of Umberto Eco. to this study, I conclude that the Prophet as delivered sources of the tradition toward our semiotic mind as the destination through some communication components. After the processing of  unlimited semiosis in the destination, the appeared understanding fabric related to the word faqtulûhu in the tradition refer to the meaning “warn him”, and then it could be saying “give him advice.” And further reinterpretation to be “honor him. “The latter Interpretant could be  the final logical interpretant that has a great contribution to the modern context.