KONTRIBUSI PESANTREN SALAF DALAM MEMPERKUAT ISLAM AHL AL-SUNNAH WA AL-JAMA’AH (Studi Terhadap Kajian dan Penggunaan Hadis pad Forum Bahtsul Masa’il Pondok Pesantren (FBMPP) Pare Kediri)


Three pesantren salaf joining in Bahtsul Masa’il Forum of Pesantren Pare, those are Pesantren Fathul ‘Ulum Kwagean, Darussalam Sumbersari and Mahir ar-Riyadh Ringinagung, are engaged in composing “Meluruskan Kesalahan Buku Putih Kiai NU”as a review for “Buku Putih Kiai NU” by Afrakhi, a book that has arisen unrest and slander among the Muslim. In this book, hadith is used and comprehended employing method and approach of understanding hadith. This study is examining the contribution of pesantren salaf in strengthening Islam ahl al-sunnah wa a al jama’ah related to the review and usage of hadith, as well as the underlying background. This qualitative field research uses phenomenological approach. The results show that the contribution of pesantren salaf in strengthening Islam ahl al-sunnah wa a al-jama’ah are providing hadith that is comprehended as the source of jurisprudence or, related to a problem, examining, reviewing, and synthesizing the hadith with other hadith or relating it with Al-Qur’an. Such contribution was underlied by a view that hadith constitutes a source of Islamic jurisprudence, by societal demand and the appeal of religious institution to put hadith at the results of Bahthul Masa’il decision, and by the necessity of hadith contextualization as well.Keywords; Bahtsul Masa’il, Ijtihad, Hadits, Pesantren Salaf, Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah