The State of Aceh Before The Earthquake Driven Tsunami: Some Preliminary Research Notes


This article would like to give a concise background of Aceh for The BRR�s [Badan Rekonstruksi dan Rehabilitasi, The� Agency� for� Reconstruction� and� Rehabilitation]� Proposal for� Transformation� and� Sustainable� Development� which� is framed,� bringing� together� the� goals� and� aspirations� of� many groups� and� sectors� from� Aceh� society� just� in� time� of� Islamic Sharia� law� initiated.� In� initiating� this� process,� it� assumed an enormous� challenge,� to� seek� a� national� consensus� in� a� local government� where� the� imposition� of� ideas� has� prevailed� over dialogue� and� negotiation,� frequently� leading� to� force� and violence.� Aceh� and� Nias� Reconstruction� and� Rehabilitation Agency � BRR is the sole agent for redevelopment of Aceh and Nias� and� without� any� public� hearing� or� consultation,� they� are conducting� many� project� of� development� in� the� aftermath� of tsunami disaster in the region.