Pembacaan Progresif Terhadap Fikih Keluarga (Kritik terhadap KHI dan RUU HTPA)


The formulation of several paragraphs in Compilation of Fikih� (Kompilasi Hukum Islam/KHI) and Preliminary Ac t of Implemented� Law� of� Religious� Court� (RUU� HTPA)� remain sustaining� the� subordination� concept� of� women� in� family.� The increase� of� wider� access� for� women� in� education� and� public participation� has� promotes� awareness� on� accomplishing woman's rights and children protection. This tendency requires progressive� reading� over� conservative� rationale� that� endured within� fikih� of Indonesian family.� Conservative rationale is root deeply� in� fikih� normativity� rampart� constructed� by� moslem theologian since 3rd century of� Hijriyah.� They likely to forbid the review� of� fikih� teaching� which� had� legitimized� as� final.� Fikih� is judge as conceptually definite. Moslems only requires to follow and� implement� the� concept.� Any� critical� review� will� be� treated under suspicion, and frequently judge as ?apostate?.� Progressive reading offers� ijtihadi� (serious thought) relevant to era dynamic, while� remain� stand� on� al-Qur�an.� The� reading� over� fikih� of family� is� directed� to� gain� gender� equality� and� justice� and protection� over� children�s� rights,� both� boy� and� girls.� The theoretical implication is constructing new paradigm that adapts contemporer human studies in reading humanize� fikih.� Whereas the practice implication is providing ethical-normative manual in implementing fikih that respects on dignity and honor each of all God creature.