Harmoni Keluarga Beda Agama Di Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta


This� work� is� a� fruit� of� a� field� research� which� tries� to elucidate� the� Sakinah,� happiness� and� harmony� among� couples� who live� in� inter-religious� marriage� in� the� District� of� Mlati,� Sleman Yogyakarta by concentrating on two villages, Tirtoadi and Sinduadi. Inter-religious� marriage� partner� argue� that� they� have� no� serious problem� in� those� aspects.� Like� other� couples� of� husband and� wife who� have� no� different� religion,� they� feel� that� their� couples� have fulfilled their needs. They do not live under poverty andhave happy life. In relation to religious life, they also feel that theircouples pay deep� attention� to� religious� freedom.� They� are� free� to� practice� their beliefs. No suppression has been applied on them by theircouples. This also happens on socio religious life in those two villages. They feel� so� lucky� because� that� they� live� among� the� members of community who are tolerant, people who give deep appreciation on religious� diversity.� But� it� is� a� bit� of� strange� that� although� they� live among tolerant people, they do not feel comfort to make any contact to other members of society, particularly in relating to� socio-religious activities, because they live in the life of inter religiousmarriage. This makes� them� tending� to� avoid� involve� themselves� in� socio religious activities within society.