Pergumulan Politik Hukum Perkawinan Islam Dan Adat Di Indonesia


The� establishment� of� the� law� should� not� be� in� a vacuum� but rather� cultural� particularities� of the community� with their� cultural roots.� Because the law� in the service of� society,� the legal� system� must� also� trademark� the� same� cultural� roots communities it serves. Therefore,� it� becomes inevitable� that the political vision of� making� the� culture of� the community� and the interests� of� different� political,� economic,� social,� cultural (poleksosbud)� is� a� parallel� society.� Accordingly,� periodically� in line� with� the� historical� appearance� of� terms� of� customary� law, then� the� exposure� will� be� described� in� periodically.� First� is� the forms of� the� Dutch� government's policy� towards� the Islamic law and custom.� It� is important to� understand the different� kinds of consequences caused by� the policies of� the colonial� legal system. While� the� second� part� of� the� discussion� is� the� relationship between� Islamic� law� and� custom� in� the� independence� of Indonesia,� so� that� an� image� between� the� two� legal� systems� is obvious.