EFEK Multiplier ZAKAT TERHADAP PENGEMBANGAN USAHA MIKRO (Kajian Ekonomis Distribusi Zakat Produktif Kreatif oleh PKPU Kota Bukittinggi)


The model of zakah’s utilization which giving the fund as a capital to micro entrepreneur recognized as “a creative productive distribution model”. PKPU represent as one of religious social institute which applicated this model aim to empower the micro entrepreneur sector by using zakah’s fund. This program was specially dedicated to the poor micro entrepreneur. Seeing more details how this program applied and how far the influence of channeling zakah’s fund to growth the micro entrepreneur sector, so then this study was aplicated at PKPU Cab. Bukittinggi. Theory of Absolute Income Hypothesis by Metwally were applicated as a tools to analyze The implementation of this study at PKPU Cab.Bukittinggi, show the facts: 1) There were no indicator to quantify the effectivity of the productive creative zakah’s distribution in PKPU in empowering micro entrepreneur’s sector. But this research finding that the distribution system had created a wonderful image for PKPU as a creative’s LAZNAS 2) There were an multiplier’s effect among zakah-profit even though just a little, so that it could be concluded that influence of zakah to development of micro sector was very small. It caused of the complicated problem in growing of micro entrepreneur’s sector. Not only lack of capital, but the others problem were occurred in this small sector. Some recommended suggestion were: 1) Improving the creativity of zakah’s distribution continuously for empowering the micro entrepreneur’s sector caused the complicated problem were occurs here, b) Creating sinergy between PKPU as zakah’s institution with the other social institution 3) Improving the cooperation especially in zakah’s funding with government such as: Local Government or Department of Commerce and Industry