PENGENTASAN KEMISKINAN BERBASIS MASJID (PKBM) DAN DAMPAKNYA TERHADAP EKONOMI MASYARAKAT (Suatu Kajian Terhadap Masyarakat Miskin dan Dampak Keberadaan BMT- PKBM Terhadap Ekonomi Masyarakat di Nagai Nan VII Kecamatan Palupuh Kabupaten Agam)


Poverty is a problem that is very urgens the unresolved problems facing the nation at this time. Various programs have been performed but have not been able to solve the problem of poverty. This can be seen from the number of poor people who exist in this beloved country Indonesia. Poverty has made millions of children can not be a quality education, health financing difficulties, lack of savings and lack of investment, lack of access to public services, lack of jobs, lack of social security and protection of the family, strengthening urbanization to the city, and more severe, causing poverty millions of people meet needs for food, clothing and shelter on a limited basis.