
Abstract : After the death of Imam Syathibi (790 H) stretching maqashid development discourse (al-maqashid khithab) acute stagnant. Discourse maqashid first codified neatlyand systematically by Imam al-Syathibiy suddenly disappear without trace. Perhaps one ofthe factors the dimming light maqashid discourse is caused by the collapse of the Islamiccaliphate at the hands of the ruler of Andalus to Christian Spain. Until then in the mid-20th century, there arose Imam Muhammad Tahir ibn ‘Ashur the father of reform maqashid study, which offers a new approach in studying the Islamic maqa shid adapted to the reality of contemporary and modern context. These reforms, contained in a work of brilliance, maqashid al-Sharia al-islamyyiah which was first published in Tunisia, in 1946 AD In this book, deliberately Imam Ibn ‘Ashur aimed to uncover the secrets of wisdom and revelation of law, as a torch lights, while the emergence of deviation among the scholars, either due to differences in life span, social condition, or different levels of ability in the for mulation of a law. Bids Imam Ibn ‘Ashur, can be said to be able meminimalir bridge the gulf between the Muslims err, for the sake of narrow fanatical follower tendency dispelled certain schools and community disintegration. Departing from this perspective it is necessary discussion that gives a clear picture of the theory maqashid sharia as the foundation in the philosophy of Islamic law.Keywords:maqashid syariah, maslahah