BIAS TEOLOGIS DALAM LINGUISTIK ARAB (?) (Telaah atas Prinsip ’Āmil dan Ta’līl dalam Nahwu) Oleh: Zamzam Afandi


This paper aims at describing and analyzing the mostimportant principles in nahwu, that are ‘āmil and ‘illah orta’līl, not from how they work but from how they function,which is from the theological perspective. The main reasonfor this is because generally the linguists, who are involvedintensively in the study of nahwu, belong to varioustheological mainstreams, for example Mu’tazilah andAsy’ariyah. By elaborating the critical method of theology,it is expected that the case of ‘āmil and ‘illah or ta’līl aremore comprehensible.