LINGUISTIK MODERN (Model Pengkajian Kebudayaan)


Since the rise of the social science, in this case culturalstudies, it has been difficult to determine the appropriateapproach to analyze the social problems. The approach hasclose relation with the epistemology critic, which isunavoidable to the cultural studies, especially in the timewhere it handles the cultural variation facts. That theculture varies and that it gives the cultural studies astimulus to adapt the modern linguistics are just a couple offacts. As a linguistics model, a cultural study has a powerfulscientific base in the multi-variation of cultural data. Theimplication is so deep that it gives an orientation or a newperspective over a culture to be knowledgeable of humanlife. The use of modern linguistics approach (structural) inthe cultural studies is related to Levi-Strauss ideas. He wasthe pioneer in the use of modern linguistics principles asmodels in order to know the cultural variations. Theambition of Levi-Strauss to build the cultural studiesgenerates a scientific status for the study. It removessubjectivism, which ignores the essence of the meaning ofculture. That ambition made structuralism a scientific studyit is now although it is true that the modern linguisticscreates the framework for the development of culturalstudies. Yet, Structuralism has been criticized because itgenerates cultural studies to be mechanical.