
This research discusses batik lexicon in Pekalongan. Theaims of this research are (1) to classify and to describelexicon of batik-ness in Pekalongan; (2) to uncover thefunctions of lexicon of batik-ness in Pekalongan; and (3) toexplain a reflection of cultural indication based on lexiconof batik-ness. This research uses ethnolinguistics approachas linguistic approaches, analyzing the relationship betweenlanguage and culture, especially to observe how a languageis used in daily routines as a means of communication of aparticular society. The development in a cultural aspect(economy, social, religion, arts, science and technology, andso on) is reflected on its lexicon. Lexicon rises along withhuman needs to identify the existing products of culture.The lexicon of batik-ness in Pekalongan becomes the"wealth" of Pekalongan society. The lexicon of batik-ness inPekalongan is relatively various and excessive. It isequivalent with the development of batik in Pekalongan.The lexicon of batik-ness in Pekalongan can be classifiedinto batik tools; the name of batik fabric related to the batikplace, which is produced; raw material; production process;and the style of illustration and motif. The functions oflexicon of batik-ness are as the treasure of language; thesocial identity of gendered job division; social identitybased on economic strata; religion identity; and as a frameof coastal area culture. The culture based on the lexicon ofbatik-ness in Pekalongan realized in daily utterancesexisting in Pekalongan society.