
One of the complex problems in Arabic semantics is thedichotomy of haqiqah and majāz (proper speech vs.figurative speech). This research aims to study the problemin Mu’tazili school, an Islamic school of speculativetheology that flourished in the cities of Basra and Baghdad,both in present-day Iraq, during the 8th–10th centuries. Theperspective of this school, which absolutized the unity andoneness of God, brought a consequence that Allah isontologically different and categorically distinct fromnature, humans, and material causality and the Qadīm (theEternal). Any other than Allah, then, is transient or created,including Allah’s kalām or words. From this perspective,Mu’tazili school built their linguistics foundation, includinglafadz and its meaning as well as the theory of philosophicdichotomy and majāz. The notion of majāz has been used toovercome the problems of interpretation of Qur’anic verses,which was categorized as mutasyābihāt, known only byAllah. In other words, besides its critical views, majāz, byMu’tazili school, was a meaning producer of a text,especially the sacred one. This was in accordance theirtheological point of view, which was also their world ofview or ru’yah kauniyah.