Arah Pembangunan Hukum Keluarga Islam Indonesia: Pendekatan Integratif dan Interkonektif dalam Membangun Keluarga Sakinah


So� far� the� subjects� discussed� in� Islamic Marriage/Family Law (Munakahat) limited marriage matter only and using the normative approach (halal and haram). In fact the successness� of� family� is� not� enough� by� merely� understanding marriage matter and the normative approach. To build a happy family� as� the� goal� of� marriage� in� Islam� is� required� other knowledges� and� approaches� outside� the� normative� approach. Even� with other subjects and using multi approach, it is possible to uncover the secret behind the Quranic texts discuss marriage. This� paper� attempts� to� illustrate� how� science� Ethnology,� as illustrated� Hazairin,� can� reveal� the� secret� behind� the� Quranic verse� discuss� mahram� (women� are� forbidden� to� marry)� as� it� is described in al-Nisa? (4): 22, 23, and 24. Likewise, this paper tries to� offer� a� number� of� subjects� that� should� be� included� in� the subject� of� Islamic� marriage� in� order� to� be� able� to� achieve� the goal� of� marriage� and� family� breakdown� can� be� avoided.� To mention some of which are: (1) the science about sexuality and sciences� related� thereto,� (2)� the� science� of� reproduction� and reproductive� health,� (3)� knowledge� of� health� and� family nutrition,� and� (4)� knowledge� about� building� communication between family members.