Wacana Demokrasi dalam Pemikiran Politik Islam


This� article� talks� about� democracy� concept� and� it relationship to religion which is concept and a means value system is extremely important in the human life. The problem is between Islam as the conviction based on divine revelation and� democracy that is product of human reason as social creature. Side long, Islam actually� is� the� initiator� in� political� system� application� that� very appreciate� humanity� and� on� the� other� side� democracy� system appreciated� as� the� most� appreciating� system� about� humanity,� so that almost entire government in the world include most� of Islamic state accept this system. This democracy system is still� in process and� it�s� fluency� dependent� on� three� component� within� the� state, they are political will from the state, strong commitment from the political society, and strong guidance from civil society to bring the democracy� system� into� reality.� For� the� Muslim,� this� socialization will be more effective when it also done through religion approach, by the translation of that democracy ideas into religiouslanguage, and� integration� between� it� and� learning� of� Islamic� religious discipline that discuss about constitutional.