Filsafat Hukum Islam : Implikasi Logis terhadap Konstruksi Pendidikan Islam


For a long� time,� Islamic� law� have� wrestled� with reality, and its proved that methodology of Islamic law is always suitable� with� anything� era.� Of� course,� it� is� caused� by� role� of philosophy Islamic law in which there are two methodology, that is� falsafah al-tasyri'� and� falsafah al-syari'ah.� From both of them, we can� know� any� wisdom� about� enacted� the� law� (hikmah al-tasyri�) and intention of law and the secret of law (asrar al-ahkam). With such paradigm, construction of Islamic education theory must be suitable� with� era� growth� and� hoped� in� line� with� both� of� the Islamic law analysis. As a result, Islamic education theory can be able� to� growth� itself according� to� moving� era� and� human characteristic as a subject and also object of Islamic education.