Fiqh Jihad dan Terorisme (Perspektif Tokoh Ormas Islam Sumatera Utara)


Jihad is a teaching and even an obligation to a Muslim. In� the� Qur�an,� the� term� jihad� is� mentioned� forty� times� in sentences.� Jihad� has� an� underlying� concept� for� a� Muslim� life. However, the term jihad is often misconceived, referred to bad things, being violent and even inhumane. Therefore, redefining and� restructuring� the� concept� of� jihad� in� Islam� is� crucial.� The province� of� North� Sumatera� has� often� been� seen� as� a� terrorist territorial,� for� many� terrorists� have� been� arrested� from� the province.� This� has� provoked� anger� for� Muslims� who� are� the majority� of� the� population� in� the� province.� This� is� among specific findings of the study, which are based on interviews with the leaders of Muslim organizations in North Sumatera such as al-Jamiyat� al-Washliyah,� Nahdlatul� Ulama,� Muhammadiyah, DDII, MMI, DDII, FPI, and MUI.