Mahzab Sunan Kalijaga (Refleksi Setengah Abad Genealogi Epistemologi Studi Ilmu Hukum Islam Integratif di Fakultas Syari�ah dan Hukum UIN Sunan Kalijaga: 1963-2013)


The title above, exactly as the title of the book that has been prepared�by the writer to welcome half century (50 years) of the age of Faculty of Syari�ah�and Law UIN Sunan Kalijaga: 1963-2013, which may God willing, will be launched�in the middle of 2014. Here the author deliberately uses the term �Mazhab Sunan�Kalijaga�, to summarize the four types of epistemology nodes that have ever been�flourished in the FSH, namely: Indonesian Fiqh, Indonesianizing of Indonesian�Fiqh, Mazhab Jogja, and Integration-Interconnection. By the historical, critical,�and analytical approaches, this initial study is expected to provide enlightenment�and the making smart effort of history for FSH.