Dialektika Realitas Kemanusiaan Dan Hukum Al-Qur'an


From� the� fourth� traditional� Islamic� studies� that� have established, namely� fiqh� studies (ilm al-fiqh),� kalam� studies (ilm alkalam),� tasawwuf� studies (�ilm al-tasawwuf),� and Islamic philosophy (al-falsafah or al-h}ikmah), Islamic law�known fiqh�is a dominant discipline in the Moslem comprehension about their religion.� In this� domain,� Islamic� law� is� a� piety� parameter� for� Moslem� in embodiment the value of such Quranic law. But, there is a fact that� the� values� of� Quranic� law� have� a� historical� dimension� of Arabic� community.� Therefore,� there� must� an� effort� to� uncover the� role� of� Arabic� tradition� toward� Quranic� law� productivity. Although� in� the� other� domain,� al-Qur�an� is� a� transcendental word� of� Allah,� but� when� al-Qur�an� have� manifested� in� Arabic life, and Arabic language is an official language of it, it�s meant al-Qur�an� is a part of� Arabic reality. Besides that, Qur�anic� text has also growth in line with Arabic reality. Hence, Qur�anic law which� derived� through� text� is� a� divine� respond,� universally� or partially, toward a reality in which there is a historical humanity of Arabic community.� Consequently, at the time is in outside of Arabic reality, Qur�anic laws must be criticized and adjusted with such contemporary reality.