Kontekstualisasi Gagasan Fiqh Indonesia T.M. Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy (Telaah atas Pemikiran Kritis Yudian Wahyudi)


Agree and disagree is an integral part when talking about the idea of Fiqh Indonesia TM Hasbi Ash-Shiddiqy (fiqh is determined based on the�personality and character of Indonesia). Critical review conducted by Yudian Wahyudi about the idea of�Fiqh Indonesia is very important to be understood thoroughly in�order�to align the proportionality debate and�at the same time the idea of Fiqh�Indonesia�Hasbi contextualization. The description in this paper is the result of reading the author entirely to the works of Yudian Wahyudi to review�the idea of Fiqh�Indonesia�Hasbi, especially�a work entitled� Hasbi's Theory of Ijtihad�in the Context of Indonesian Fiqh(2007).