Standart Sudut Kemiringan Minimal Arah Kiblat Masjid Di Kota Gorontalo


The� substance� of� issue� in� this� study� is� �how� many (degrees)� the� minimum� standardized� angle� still� be� considered feasible� and� how� the� application�� which� is� raised� in� the� title �The Minimum Standardized Angle� of the Kiblah Direction of Mosques in� Gorontalo� City�, with the aims on trying to find the minimum standardize referred to and to be used as guidelines by the� community� (Jama�ah)� whether� or� not� to� make� row adjustments� in� the� mosques� that� experienced� irregularities� of kiblah direction. Based on early studies showed that mostly the mosques of Gorontalo� city deviate from 1 to 15 degrees from the true� direction� of� Kiblah.� With� the� approach� of� science� and technology especially in the field of astronomy (falak), then what is desired by the provisions of Islamic law ( syar�i) above can be well� realized.� Deviations� of� Kiblah� direction� of� mosques� in Gorontalo� City today still can be find the solution to make rows improvements� /� adjustments� in� the� mosques� to� the� true direction of Kiblah or at least meet the minimum standardized angle which can be considered feasible in terms of the direction of kiblah in� the mosques has not been out of boundary areas of the city of Mecca.