Kewajiban Nafkah Hadanah Dan Rada'ah Terhadap Anak Di Indonesia


Effect of� busy� parents often� neglected� duty� towards their� children.� So� in� this� paper� a� problem� concerning maintenance obligations hadanah� and rada'ah for children. The method� used� is� the� approach� to� library� research� with� content analysis� of� the various� references� relevant to� the subject matter covered.� Parents are� obliged to provide� a living� hadanah� against children because a child needs someone who can nurture, guide and� educate� well.� Obligations of� parents� towards� children� has been started� from the time� the fetus� until the baby� where� the mother� is obliged to� provide� a living� rada'ah� (feeding� the baby) in addition� to� the health� of the baby� also� for the health of� the mother.� In� Islam� keeping� the� kemaslahatan� and� survival� of� a child� is a� parental responsibility,� which should not be� ignored either by the mother or father.