Legalitas Perkawinan Di Luar Islam (Nikah Al-kuffar) Menurut Ibnu Taimiyah


Marriage is an institution that exist in every society and religion.� Every� society� and� religion� have� a� procedure� for� each different� from� each� other.� Whether� the� marriages� were� valid under Islamic law.� Islam is a religion that recognizes the� plurality of� society� and� religion� as� a� reality� of� life.� Ibn� Taimiyya had an opinion about the validity of marriages outside of Islam� (al-kuff?r marriage/nik?h al-kuff?r). Ibnu Taimiyya� opinion� was� based on� AlQur'an� and� as-Sunnah� (traditions)� and� the� opinions� of� some friends (sahabat).� Ibn� Taimiyya� opinion� was� consistent� with the principles� of� tolerance� in� Islam;� religious� freedom,� mutual respect,� and� justice.� Ibn� Taimiyya� opinion� is� very� important� in creating a harmonious relationship between religious.