Logika Induktif dan Deduktif Dalam Tradisi Pemikiran USUL AL-FIQH
Logic� occupies� a� central� position� in� the� tradition� of usul al-fiqh thought. Besides referring to the verbal revelation, the formulation� of� the� rules� of� usul al-fiqh is also� based� on� formal logic so that it cannot be easily cracked all along.� The logic with its main attention on the activity of the preparation of the ri ght argument� is� built� to� study� the� various� methods� and� principles used� to� distinguish� the� reasoning� straight� and� distorted� one. Inductive� and� deductive� logic� are� typical� ways� of� working� in� a world� of� usul al-fiqh� thought.� Inductive� logic� is� used� to� draw conclusions� from� individual� cases� that� have� a� range� of� very specific� to� general� conclusions.� Whereas� deductive� logic� is� the opposite way. It?s used to draw conclusions from things that are common� to� the� individual� case.� In� the� tradition� of� usul al-fiqh thinking, inductive logic is often used by Ahnaf� schools. While many of deductive logics are demonstrated by the yurisprudence of Mutakallimin followed by the majority of Islamic Juries.