Konsep Penerapan Syariat Islam dalam Pencegahan Perilaku Menyimpang pada Remaja SMA Kota Banda Aceh


This article is purposed to know how concept, system and� obstacles� in� implementing� Syariah� (Islam� Law)� in preventing� misbehaviours� on� senior� high� school� effectively. The respondences of this research come from related agencies, either� Islam� Law� Department,� School,� Student� Organization. Data� collection� was� done� by� questionnaires,� interview, workshop. The� results� of� concept� prevention� deviate� behaviour� on teenages of Senior High School of Banda Aceh are: a)� Direct Prevention� Concept,� Direct� Prevention� Concept� is� concept� which assumed� immediately� can� prevent� misbehaviour� of� either teenages or the other age; (b)� Indirect Prevention Concept, this kind of prevention is planning and sustainable attempts which can be used to prevent also can reduce one or group�s intention to do disgraceful actions against values of Syariah (IslamLaw); (c)� Guiding� Concept,� guiding� is� an� effort� of� Syariah Department in giving and enhancing understanding to teachers and� students� regarding� with� True� Syariah� Implementation, along with sanctions faced as consequences of violationvalues; (d)� Violation� Prevention� through� Identification� of� Place� and Violation� Forms,� and� (e)� Problems� found� by� Department� of Syariah� in� Preventing� Deviate� Behaviours� Teenages� in� Senior High School Particularly.