Nilai Etik Hukum Islam Dalam Mengkonstruksi Hak Egaliter Pendidikan Perempuan


Islamic law represent holy comands of Allah arranging all life aspect every Moslem, and cover items punish purely and also items of spiritual religious. He have the nature of elastic fixed hold on to its it's spirit that is and egaliter of monothoistik and also have� character� of� egaliter,� don't� rasial,� not� feodal� and� not patriarkhal.� Thereby,� education� of� Islam� which� dimiciling� it's equal� to� Islam� law� at� theoretical� framework� and� also� aplicative cannot discharge it his spirit that is and egaliter of monothoistik. Principal� of� education� of� Islam� which� this� egaliter� which� later have� to� be� developed� by� at� this� contemporary� education� era, backward� cause� of� moslem� after� glorious� so� much� year� in consequence of left behind his of education of woman.