Hawālah sebagai Alternatif Pembiayaan Multijasa di Lembaga Keuangan Syariah


Islamic banking and other Islamic financing institution need more inovation and to multiply the kind of transaction so that not to stay behind by conventional financing instituon. In the otherhand, hawālah that we know in the study of fiqh mu’āmalah do not develop optimately in the Islamic economy institution. The application of hawālah in Islamic banking is little and not popular, whereas by little inovation, hawālah can be the alternative transaction. This article is an exertion to create the financing concept of multijasa Islamic Banking that more acceptable and more simple by using the hawālah contract with little inovation. That is the combination between hawālah bi al-ujrah contract and wakālah contract, as the alternative financing for increasing monetary instruments bases the sharia. So the strong and healty financing institution is realized without leaving the sharia.   Keywords: multijasa Islamic banking, inovation, hawālah bi al-ujrah