Qur’anic Scientism in Bediuzzaman Said Nursi’s Risala


One of the prominent factor leading to the continuing decline of the Muslim Ummah is rivalry between scientific mind and traditional mind-set. The modern Muslim intellectuals are fascinated by scientific developments in the West and discouraged by the inability of Ummah. The process of re-emergence as developed community is imbedded in re-Islamization of scientific knowledge. The rise of Muslim Ummah is tied with integration of Shari’ah based knowledge and scientific knowledge. The focus of the Muslim intellectual pursuits must once again gravitate towards these two fountains of true knowledge. To achieve this goal, Said Nursi a versatile personality, a true representative of Islam came with all-inclusive ideas for integration of both the knowledge’s. He advocates the Qur’anic Scientism and discussed faith based research (iman tahqiqi) relying on positive action (jihad Manaavi) in Risal-i Nur. In this paper an Attempt has been made to acme the Qur’anic Scientism in Risal-i- Nur, to prove Qur’anic Scientism highly applicable while as Said Nursi as admirably a true representative of Qur’anic Message in the modern era.