
Books which discuss about madrasa either throughempirical research or normative in the sense are quite a lot,both at primary and secondary levels, public and private. On thecontrary, in my research thoroughly talking about madrasas inboarding school has not been widely studied. It is the research thatdiscusses the success of Islamic education through quality inputsthrough Tahfidz based education in MI Tahfidz al-Qur’an KrandonKudus. It is a madrasah (MI), which is in fact the city district ofeducational institutions, especially primary education institutionsthat always compete in a scramble input from students andcompetes in improving the quality of learning in schools. Thus, thesuccess of Islamic education, especially Koran memorization basededucation, can be used as guidelines for improving the success ofeducation. Operationally, the problems of study are: the qualityof inputs (students) that will enter the madrasah with rigorousselection, madrasah management integrated with boarding, sothat educational environment is conditioned to support the successof Islamic education learning.This research used holistic qualitative method of analyticdescriptive data analysis are by ranging from data collection,data reduction, data conclusion, and data verification. Accordingto the writer’s observation Islamic educational success here wasdetermined by several dimensions of Islamic education, but themost determining educational success was the quality input,professional teachers, media education, and infrastructure thatsupports and is supported by a conducive learning environment forchildren to achieve educational success with a proven learning andeducational achievement also progress achieved by the madrasa. Key words: dimensions, Islamic Education success