ARAH BARU DESAIN KURIKULUM (Mengejawantahkan Nilai-Nilai KKNI dalam Konstruks Kurikulum PGMI)


In its process, the National Education System (SNP) inthe target quality of education serves leaning to positive values   ofsocial development in the community. This has become a necessitybecause the state has a great responsibility to direct the mainconcepts of education to a more mature and make the child thebest education dimensionless generation of people in his life. Thisdemand is undoubtedly switch to stakeholders in a more focusedarea that is College. In this framework the Universities largelyresponsible for providing instructional design good for studentswho join the educational units built.The studies on the formulation of the current curriculum design isnecessarily directed to the contemporary frameworks formulatedby the government. In terms of social values   that want to beintroduced to the world of education, should be realized by allpractitioners in the development of education that educationitself will be held accountable to the common values   that thrivein the community. For this reason, contemporary social values  that developed in the middle of the community would essentiallybecome a major capital references must be embodied in education.