
Education in its growth has consequences that arevery basic to the participants or the culprit. It is bound withthe main patterns of education that continues to provide amajor contribution in the future after the implementation of itseducational system. The reality of life borne in a race against theform of contributory education held. Reforming the curriculumin Elementary School (MI) educational unit is a necessity thatmust be done to organize the structure of learning in it to thedirected and competent region. MI has a great responsibilityto drive in between the globalized and competitive times.Educational formulation with the composition of the presentcurriculum without leaving Islamic messages is an absoluteentity that must be realized in MI curriculum. Consequently,the dynamics of an increasingly globalized age is not achallenge to be annuled MI curriculum away from its Islamicnuances. Elementary School is undoubtedly the best growthpace in with the global space and time realities. Hence, both acculturation current curriculum and Islamic curriculum at the past need to be realized in order to deny the traditional stereo-type past curriculum. Principally, it calls for integrativespirited affirmation in the fulfillment of educational spirited MIcurriculum. Key Words: Education, rapid growth rate, Integration, Life,Humanizing Human.