
In the study, some students quickly understand whatwas described by teachers, some are slow to understand. Studentswho quickly understood what was presented by the teacher wouldnot have a significant problem, otherwise the students are slow inunderstanding a lesson is certainly a problem for him, if allowedto drag on. Therefore, there must be help and guide him so thatlearning the right way so he would not miss the lessons of morefriends. Here we need the help of various parties. In the contextof the subject teachers and school counselors have a major role inhelping and encouraging the students. Moreover, elementary schoolstudents / madrasah are incidentally still in a period of growth anddevelopment. Interest guidance related to learning including thedevelopment of attitudes and habits, especially in doing the taskin developing the skills and the attitude of the teachers, as well asfosters the discipline of learning and training, either independentlyor in groups. The efforts to do is first, enrichment fix that form ofteaching that is cure or correct any teaching that makes for thebetter, second, enrichment activities, is a form of service that isgiven to a student or students who are very fast in learning, third, increase motivation to learn, teachers and other school staff areobligated to help learners improve motivation to learn, fourth, andfifth increase learning skills, the development of attitudes and goodstudy habits.