
Awareness of the government in tackling corruption with a variety of efforts starts from the publication of legislation, the establishment of institutions that extra anti rasuwah firm and perpetrators of corruption, but the data corruption remains vibrant. Even it still leaves the problem that corruption still increases so it needs more earlier effort education, not only the legal  extrafirm aspects. This raises concerns over corrupt behavior covered not only the politicians and law enforcement, but also penetrated in academia. This is a reality that must be pursued in real terms. Anti-corruption education should be realized that comes from a combination of curriculum initiated by education experts as well the idea of   law enforcement that comes from real experience. The combination of both is expected to bring the concept of anticorruption education right. The importance of anti-corruption education is an investment and understanding of the learners that corruption is not just a crime but anti-human action. The education should be early on the value of age in education and escorted bench with a family environment and an ideal educational environmentthat has been the creation of life in accordance with the sacred teachingsof every religion and culture are valuable.