KEBO-KEBOAN DAN IDER BUMI SUKU USING: Potret Inklusivisme Islam di Masyarakat Using Banyuwangi


This writing presents a discussion on one of cultural heritage in Indonesia which is in the form of magical ceremony having religious nuance. Several aspects of this ceremony, for instance, Animism and Hinduism values are clearly observable, especially in several form and physical orders; on most aspects, however, the aforementioned values trail are obscure as old traditions. Even though the values are considered as old heritage, by polishing and adapting certain creation, the more perceptible value and belief in this ceremony is Islam transcendentalist and humanist. Ider bumi and slametan are the two of cultural heritage having Islamic nuance, while kebo-keboan is an embodiment of Hinduism cultural heritage. In Alasmalang, kebo-keboan ceremony has religious orientation praying to the God for acquiring good harvest, blessed business and achieving wishes. Regarding ider bumi ceremony, which is practiced in most of Using society, is conducted by going around the village while reading kalimah toyyibah and resounding adzan in every side of village. This ceremony’s purpose is to protect the village from any kind of annoyance from human being and devil. Furthermore, socially, kebo-keboan and ider bumi function as harmony keeper among the villagers, nature and with everything in the environment.Key words: culture, social awareness, ider bumi, kebo-keboan